Truly inspiring story of James J. Braddock. This story is about more than boxing. It is about a man and his wife trying to raise a family in the tough times of the 1920s. And the integrity and example he shows his children in those times. Russell Crowe, Renee Zellweger and Paul Giamatti are just part of this incredible cast. It is a must see.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I like the bit where they made a carriage out of a pumpkin.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
This is a truly great film. Russel Crowe, Rene Zellweger and Paul Giametti were all fabulous. Russell Crowe is the best actor of our time. I am not a boxing fan, but I was so engrossed by the character of the Cinderalla Man that I was totally involved in every punch. I didn't know how the story would end, so I had the added thrill of suspense during the final fight.The story of a family in the midst of the Great Depression was as compelling as the boxing story. The solid family man played by Russell gives us a much needed role model. The historical and socio-economic background was powerfully shown and greatly added to the audience's involvement and is particularly relevant to today. This is a classic film.